I give God thanks for providing this opportunity for me to go to Third Wave. He has been so gracious and merciful to me. This event has been amazing, I have been inspired and impacted in so many ways.
After every session, talk or discussion I was challenged to become a better individual.
This event served its purpose, in that it facilitated the environment which trained, molded and shaped young, emerging leaders.
God’s presence was always felt. In the midst of the coldness in the morning and heat in the afternoon, his presence was felt.. Whilst playing sport and interacting with others, his presence was felt. Through worship and the ministering of his word, his presence was felt
Third Wave reminded me of what most important, and that is being a leader that exhibits Christ with love, humility and integrity.
Where much is given, much is expected. I am responsible for all the resources that God has given to me, therefore it is my responsibility to use all that for his Kingdom.
I want to be: “The best version of me for God”