
On October 27, 2013, the “Grace and Devotion Hymn Festival” was celebrated in the Vivibien church, zone 5, in Guatemala City.

With the purpose of keeping hymns alive, 11 churches from the Central District came with their choirs to sing beautiful hymns that have shaped the liturgy of many Nazarene churches around the world for years.

In addition, they had a special message from the Word of the God that pastor and retired missionary, Rev. Mario Cintrón, shared. His sermon’s theme was “Let’s Sing with Intelligence and Let’s Praise with Inspiration”.

Every year, the Central District has celebrated this festival since Ezequiel Urizar started it in 1998. He went to be with our Lord in 2006, leaving this festival to continue in the Central District. The current District Superintendent, Nery Pérez, along with his wife, Kasandra de Pérez, have continued this celebration every year.

This information came from: Kasandra de Pérez, Central District Secretary in Guatemala.