Following Jesus Vol 2 – What Does It Mean to Be “In Christ”?

Following Jesus is a discipleship program that asks and answers two questions: “Who is Jesus?” and “What does it mean to be His disciple?” Following Jesus shows the new Christian just how costly following Jesus will be. It openly presents the radical nature of discipleship. the program is divided into three books: BOOK TWO. With

April 11th, 2016|

Articles of Faith StudyMaps

  StudyMaps: Articles of Faith, Church of the Nazarene Stéphane Tibi What is a StudyMap? It is a simple tool for studying and learning. It is a visual aid that does not really heavily on someone's ability to read. Instead the placement of graphics elements, sometimes with text, strengthens the learning process. Why

March 29th, 2015|

Nazarene Essentials: Who We Are—What We Believe

Nazarene Essentials: Who We Are—What We Believe A new generation of spiritual leaders and an increasing body of believers have requested that basics of the church’s teaching, history, theology, mission, funding, and connections be placed in a brief and easily accessible publication—in plain language. Nazarene Essentials explains why the Church of the Nazarene exists as

March 29th, 2015|
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