Preschool Sunday School Student Activity Worksheets – Year 1

Dear teacher, you will find these activity worksheets to be a wonderful companion book to go along with the Teacher's Guide (found here). This set of books for you and your students will be an excellent help, not only for Sunday School classes, but also for Kids Clubs, weekly Christian education classes, and whatever type

January 9th, 2018|

Man Alive: Transforming Your Seven Primal Needs into a Powerful Spiritual Life

Over the last four decades, I’ve met one-on-one with thousands of men. Most of them know that Jesus promised “a rich and satisfying life” (John 10:10), but too many are confused about what that looks like. In fact, I’d estimate that 90 percent of Christian men lead lukewarm, stagnant, defeated lives—and they hate it. When

April 16th, 2016|

A Deeper Walk Spiritual Formation – New Testament Character Studies

Spiritual Formation is simply the process whereby Christians develop greater spiritual depth and maturity by practicing the spiritual disciplines of Bible reading, prayer, journaling, meditation and Scripture memorization. This edition of A Deeper Walk continues the practice of these personal devotional habits in the context of exploring the lives and spiritual experiences of key Bible

April 16th, 2016|
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