The Path of Truth #14 – Bible Lesson for Adults and Mature Youth

In the Bible, we find stories of romance, judgment, action, abandonment, destruction, war, love; but, above all things, in it we find the voice of God speaking to our lives. If we read it carefully every day, and meditate on it, we will find words of encouragement, challenge, consolation, hope and exhortation. During this year,

December 13th, 2023|

1 & 2 Samuel Bible Studies and Quizzing for Kids

This book will provide in-depth Bible study for children ages 6 through 12 years. It invites children to experience genuine discipleship through the study of God’s transforming Word. Through Bible Studies, activities, and games, children will learn about God, study his Word, and gain a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Children will also learn to

March 2nd, 2023|

Informational videos for The Journey of Grace

Last year, the Board of General Superintendents launched a new framework for Nazarene Discipleship: A Journey of Grace. Watch the promotional video here: And a detailed explanation to learn more about how the Journey of Grace was developed: (Its in the green box that says "Journey of Grace.) You can watch the invitation video

February 2nd, 2023|
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