School of leadership

The book series School of Leadership is designed with the purpose of providing a tool to the church for formation, education and training of its members to actively integrate into Christian service the gifts and calling (vocation) they have received from the Lord. The School of Leadership has five core courses that are common to

May 7th, 2020|

The Fruit-Filled Life

The Christian’s life is a continuous walk in the process of discipleship, in which our whole being is being transformed to become like Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit’s work in us. All of us who have been “born again” need to participate in this process of formation so that we can become mature and

May 6th, 2020|

Guidelines for Safe Relief Distribution During Coronavirus Response

One way to help vulnerable people who are isolated because of the coronavirus is the distribution of food and other essential items.However, it is extremely important that great care is given to following protocol so that church and community members are not at risk.This presentation incorporates best practices based on guidance from the World Health

April 28th, 2020|
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