
The EvangeCube or Evangelistic Cube is the ideal tool to share the gospel of Christ. It is about the size of a baseball, consisting of eight interlocking blocks that twist and fold to share the story of Jesus, which is shown with images of the bloody hands of Jesus nailed to the cross, the resurrection

May 27th, 2021|

Developing Children’s Ministries online Course

Developing Children's Ministries online Course Courses for this focus area will help you understand best practices for children's ministry. There is no clearer mandate for the church than its responsibility to edify and train children. From the early Old Testament mandate to teach the love of God to children, to Jesus' act of placing a

May 20th, 2021|

Million Leaders Mandate Leadership Course – Vol. 1, Notebook 5, written by Dr. John Maxwell

Here are the resources for the workshop, One Million Leaders, Vol. 1, Book 5 - By Dr. John Maxwell, given to the Barbados District SDMI on March 26-28, 2021 Notebook PowerPoints Videos - Lessons taught by brother Clovis St. Romain, SDMI Coordinator for the Caribbean Field, and sister Jeanafer Greaves, assistant SDMI Coordinator for the

April 28th, 2021|
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