March 1st, 2021|
Evangelizing Children
We can never doubt the productive work of evangelists in leading children to Jesus Christ. However, it is good to note that there is a series of actions prior to the evangelistic event that prepare the way, such as intercessory prayer, an invitation, counsel, a good testimony, etc. These forms of preparation have been passed
Children’s Bible Studies and Quizzing – Exodus
This Bible Study on Exodus is designed to inspire children who are ages 6-11 years old to understand the Bible as the story of God’s redeeming love. Children celebrate what they learn through fun activities and interactive games. There are 20 lessons, and each lesson contains a scripture memory verse, truths about God, biblical background,
Caravan Children’s Program
The purpose of the Caravan program for kids is to help elementary-age children learn and grow mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually. Caravan is a time for children to learn how they can be the kind of people God wants them to be in all areas of their lives. It also helps children develop an appreciation and understanding