How God Makes Men: Ten Epic Stories. Ten Proven Principles. One Huge Promise for Your Life.

Let’s face it—men today are under severe attack. The battle line against biblical manhood is clearly drawn and fiercely contested. More than ever, men who want to follow Christ are asking: • Why is it so hard to live an authentic Christian life? • Who will show me how to thrive as a father, a

April 12th, 2016|

Following Jesus Vol 3 – What Does It Mean to Be a Part of the People of God?

Following Jesus is a discipleship program that asks and answers two questions: “Who is Jesus?” and “What does it mean to be His disciple?” Following Jesus shows the new Christian just how costly following Jesus will be. It openly presents the radical nature of discipleship. the program is divided into three books: BOOK THREE. The

April 11th, 2016|

Following Jesus Vol 2 – What Does It Mean to Be “In Christ”?

Following Jesus is a discipleship program that asks and answers two questions: “Who is Jesus?” and “What does it mean to be His disciple?” Following Jesus shows the new Christian just how costly following Jesus will be. It openly presents the radical nature of discipleship. the program is divided into three books: BOOK TWO. With

April 11th, 2016|
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