No Man Left Behind: How to Build and Sustain a Thriving, Disciple-Making Ministry for Every Man in Your Church

Making disciples of men—getting them to walk with Christ, live like Christ, and work for Christ—is hard. If you’ve been struggling to get traction with men, this revised and updated edition of No Man Left Behind can revolutionize your efforts. Drawing upon thirty years of research and work with more than 2,500 churches, the authors

April 16th, 2016|

A Deeper Walk Spiritual Formation – New Testament Character Studies

Spiritual Formation is simply the process whereby Christians develop greater spiritual depth and maturity by practicing the spiritual disciplines of Bible reading, prayer, journaling, meditation and Scripture memorization. This edition of A Deeper Walk continues the practice of these personal devotional habits in the context of exploring the lives and spiritual experiences of key Bible

April 16th, 2016|
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