Heart Soul Mind Strength – Godly Living for Today’s Kingdom Christian

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12. 30These four components encompass every area that is impacted in the life of a committed follower of Jesus Christ. Through revelant examples and powerful scriptural insights, Heart Soul Mind

April 12th, 2016|

How to Live the Holy Life – A Down-to-Earth Look at Holiness

A practical book that deals with issues such as "Do saints get angry?" and "How to battle temptation." Writers include Charles Swindoll and James Dobson. This resource can be read for individual spiritual growth, or as curriculum for a small group or Sunday School class. Leader's Guide also available. You can purchase a hard copy

April 10th, 2015|

How to Live the Holy Life – A Down-to-Earth Look at Holiness (Leader’s Guide)

A practical book that deals with issues such as "Do saints get angry?" and "How to battle temptation." Writers include Charles Swindoll and James Dobson. Paper. 128 pages. You can purchase a hard copy from the MAR Regional Discipleship Ministries office or Nazarene Publishing House. DOWNLOAD Table of Contents DOWNLOAD sample page

April 10th, 2015|

And You Call Yourself a Christian? – Answering the Common Misconceptions About Christianity

And You Call Yourself a Christian? will help you sort out the true from the sounds-like-true statements. Knowing what our Heavenly Father's expectations are will free you to live a miraculously transformed life for Him, both in your church and in your community.So, grab your Bible and let's learn how to respond when someday, someone,

April 10th, 2015|
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