To our global Nazarene family, So much has changed in such a brief time. Our daily news cycle is filled with reports of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Government leaders, medical professionals, researchers, and scientists are diligently working to stem the
To our global Nazarene family, These are unprecedented days in the life of the church and for the citizens of the world. The global pandemic as a result of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has led us into new territory. The
A 9-member Maximum Mission team served with the Church of the Nazarene in San Jorge de Upala, Costa Rica, Feb. 28-March 1 to share the message of the gospel in various ways. Seven of the participants were from the Church
The Church in the north of Nicaragua celebrated the organization of a Church-Type Mission in the community of El Rodeo, Somoto, with a special thanksgiving celebration. The new church is called Josué (Joshua) 1:9. The celebration took place on February
In the February 2020, the West Texas district arrived to Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico to serve through Work and Witness with the South Border district. The team of 14, representing five churches of the district, worked in various areas of ministry.
For several years, the Church of the Nazarene Northern District of Nicaragua has provided clean water to more than thirty families near the district center, located in the La Rioja community, in Somoto, Madriz. District Superintendent, Rev. Denis Espinoza said
More than 60 persons, including evangelism leaders, pastors, district superintendents and partners of the Jesus Film, met for training from February 18th-20th at the Nazarene Seminary in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. During this training, there was a session called “Evangelism with a
NMI Training was recently held in both districts of Belize. The facilitators were Ana Crocker de Díaz, Mesoamerica Regional NMI Coordinator and Donnamie Ali, Caribbean Field NMI Coordinator. Thanks to the organization of Rev. Alberto Cal, District Superintendent of Belize
The Northwest Oaxaca district of Mexico celebrated the International Pastors and Leaders Conference “Expand your Territory”. This took place January 23-25 at the Church of the Nazarene Centro de Alabanza y Proclamación, (Praise and Proclamation Center, CAP in Spanish), with
The Church of the Nazarene in Puerto Rico held a Cross-Cultural Orientation, CCO, with 22 persons aged 17 to 65 participating in the event. The participants were members from 8 churches in the country’s two districts. The event took place