Churches in Panama and the United States dedicate the building, in which they worked together, to God

Fairview Village Church of the Nazarene in Pennsylvania USA visited El Progreso Church of the Nazarene in Panama to dedicate the construction of a building they have been working on together for four years to the Lord. In February 2017

April 23rd, 2020|

Casa de Oración Church Increases its Services and Assistance in the midst of COVID-19 Crisis

How is the Church of the Nazarene in Mesoamerica adapting during this time of isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic? From Costa Rica, pastor Manuel Amador tells us how they are doing this in their congregation. We have developed several

April 13th, 2020|

Guatemala pastors serve security forces, hospital staff during coronavirus lockdowns

The Nazarene Church in Cobán, Alto Verapaz, Guatemala has been bringing food to the city’s security workers and hospital staff while the country is on lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. Mauricio Coc, a pastor and chaplain on the Verapaz

April 6th, 2020|

Hope and prayer

Even though these are challenging times, this past weekend was a blessing in the Church of the Nazarene, as worship services from around the world were broadcast through live stream or by video. Many churches reported reaching more people than

April 1st, 2020|
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