On June 26, 2017 during the conventions of various ministries of the Church of the Nazarene held in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, the Mesoamerica Regional Nazarene Youth International (NYI) selected the leadership coordinators for each of the 5 areas for the next 4 years.
The delegates elected Marc Jean Simon as the coordinator for Haiti. Gabriela Bustos was reelected by a vote of confidence as the coordinator for the Central Area. Odily Diaz will continue as the coordinator in the North Central Area. Also continuing in their previous roles are Edgar Manuel Corzo as the coordinator in the Mexico Area and Rev. Paul Bunsee in the English Area.
Rev. Milton Gay, who will continue to serve as the regional NYI coordinator, said that the Mesoamerica NYI will continue working in the 5 axes of leadership: Discipleship, Evangelism, Developing Leaders, Youth Pastor Education program and Working as a Team. He mentioned that wants to continue working as a team with all of the coordinators and hopes to be able to develop a ministry that is influential, participatory and that has a presence in all of the areas. He said that the ministry will invest in the Youth Pastor program, both in person and online. The online program will begin in September of this year. For more information visit jniregionmesoamerica.org.
Among the plans that NYI has for this year is the launch of an online radio station and the School of Leadership in local churches. They ask for prayer for each of these initiatives.
The general goal of NYI is to work to win more teens and young people to the Lord, provide resources and train leaders.
Source: Rev. Milton Gay, Regional NYI Coordinator