Verapaz East District
The Verapaz East District celebrated its 15th annual assembly at the District Center in Tinta. General Superintendent Dr. David Graves preached the Word of God from Luke 13:6-9. He taught that a church is great when it has fruitful disciples. District Superintended Rev. Ignacio Quej followed with his report. He shared that, thanks to God and the efforts of the students from the School of Church Planting, the district organized 7 new churches. The goal for 2020 is to have 80 new organized churches. The assembly closed with an ordination service for 5 new ordained elders.
Lower Verapaz District
The Lower Verapaz District celebrated its 34th annual assembly at the Lower Verapaz Children’s Home on Mar. 11. Regional Director Dr. Carlos Saenz, Field Strategy Coordinator Rev. Leonel de Leon, and General Superintendent Dr. David Graves presided. District Superintendent Rev. Francisco Cuquej shared in his report that they added 12 new members and achieved their World Evangelism Fund goal. The assembly closed with an ordination service for one new ordained elder.
West District
The Guatemala West District Celebrated its 44th assembly at the Coatepeque First Church of the Nazarene on Mar. 12. Regional Director Dr. Carlos Saenz, Field Strategy Coordinator Rev. Leonel de Leon, and General Superintendent Dr. David Graves presided. District Superintendent Rev. Rene Ovidio Marroquin shared in his report that the district opened 8 mission-type churches and worked in three missional zones. The assembly closed with the ordination of Odilia Ramos and Santos Chocoy by the General Superintendent.
Source: Rev. Ulises Solís, Guatemala Nazarene Theological Seminary Rector
- West District
- West District
- West District
- Verapaz East District
- Verapaz East District
- Verapaz East District
- Verapaz East District
- Lower Verapaz District