Update: Volcano of Fire, Guatemala
As a result of the Volcano of Fire eruption on June 3 in Guatemala, many communities suffered food shortages, so the Church of the Nazarene met to supply the need. The North Verapaz District issued a call to its churches to collect food supplies. In one week the churches collected 5 tons of food.
District leaders along with district Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, the District Advisory Board and Alta Verapaz Chaplains organized a trip to deliver the donations to the community of El Zapote in Escuintla. The made the delivery on June 13. The route to the community is badly damaged, so people from El Zapote walked an average of 2 kilometers to receive the food.
Luis Mijangos from El Zapote said, “Thanks to everyone who donated and those who made the effort to come here to help us. We need the help. Thanks to the brothers and sisters from Coban for helping us.”
The governor of the Escuintla Department and personnel from CONRED (the Guatemalan disaster relief agency), also expressed their profound gratefulness to the Church of the Nazarene.
District Superintendent Rev. Francisco Cho said, “With this action, the Church begins to demonstrate a testimony of compassion, remembering that the teach of holiness is not just individual and moral, but also social. God bless each church for their offering for the community of El Zapote.”
Source: Rev. Francisco Cho Si, Guatemala North Verapaz District Superintendent