By: Scott Armstrong

I imagine the readers of this blog have heard the big news, but just in case…

During 21 years of ministry, God has greatly blessed us by being able to help many people discover their missionary calling. We’ve seen times of blessing where little by little we have been able to harvest what has been planted in more than 2 decades of ministry. The Genesis initiative has also assisted our region to know that our churches can truly have a presence in all the cities of Mesoamerica.

Through the past few years, Emily and I have felt the Lord telling us that the ministries of Missions Mobilization and Genesis are in a wonderful and mature space to be taken on by leaders from the Mesoamerica Region. We didn’t know when the transition would happen, but we have been open to the Lord’s leading, as well as to the Church of the Nazarene in potentially needing us in another ministry role.

Recently we have received and accepted an invitation from Global Missions to transfer to the South America Region and will be moving to Pilar, Argentina in July 2024. Emily will be the Regional Personnel Coordinator (basically Human Resources and Missionary Care) and I will be working with the Regional Director on some special regional projects and strategies. Both assignments are challenging, but we feel that we bring much experience and creativity to those spaces.

And we’re overjoyed because of something else: the Lord has decided to put a fabulous new person in charge of these ministries. It’s someone we have seen grow a lot since her start in missions: Rev. Erika Chaves!

Erika has been exposed to missionary ministry as an assistant for Nazarene Compassionate Ministries in Haiti, and as the Personnel Coordinator in the region. She was also our Assistant for several years! And now she will be the new coordinator of Missions Mobilization and Genesis in our Mesoamerica Region.


Please watch the following video announcing Erika’s appointment. And pray for her in this new role and us in our new roles, as well!