Welcome to the
Mesoamerica Region
The Mesoamerica region is made up of 33 countries and includes the geographical area that covers Mexico, Central America, the entire Caribbean, as well as Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana (from South America).

Welcome to the
Mesoamerica Region
The Mesoamerica region is made up of 33 countries and includes the geographical area that covers Mexico, Central America, the entire Caribbean, as well as Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana (from South America).

Welcome to the
Mesoamerica Region
The Mesoamerica region is made up of 33 countries and includes the geographical area that covers Mexico, Central America, the entire Caribbean, as well as Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana (from South America).
What We
The Church of the Nazarene is the largest denomination in the classical Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. The doctrine that distinguishes the Church of the Nazarene and other Wesleyan denominations from most other Christian denominations is that of entire sanctification. Nazarenes believe that God calls Christians to a life of holy living that is marked by an act of God, cleansing the heart from original sin and filling the individual with love for God and humankind.

Nuestros artĂculos de fe representan nuestras creencias esenciales y contienen las verdades fundamentales que guĂan cada aspecto de nuestra prĂĄctica.

Nuestra declaraciĂłn de misiĂłn define quiĂŠnes somos, por quĂŠ existimos y nuestra razĂłn de ser.
En quĂŠ
La Iglesia del Nazareno es la denominaciĂłn mĂĄs grande de la tradiciĂłn wesleyana clĂĄsica de la santidad. La doctrina que distingue a la Iglesia del Nazareno y a de otras denominaciones wesleyanas de la mayorĂa de las demĂĄs denominaciones cristianas es la doctrina de la entera santificaciĂłn. Los nazarenos creen que Dios llama a los cristianos a una vida de santidad marcada por un acto de Dios, limpiando el corazĂłn del pecado original, y llenando al individuo de amor por Dios y por la humanidad.

Nuestros artĂculos de fe representan nuestras creencias esenciales y contienen las verdades fundamentales que guĂan cada aspecto de nuestra prĂĄctica.

Nuestra declaraciĂłn de misiĂłn define quiĂŠnes somos, por quĂŠ existimos y nuestra razĂłn de ser.
El discipulado cristiano es un estilo de vida. Es el proceso de aprender cĂłmo quiere Dios que vivamos en el mundo. A medida que aprendemos a vivir en obediencia a la Palabra de Dios, en sumisiĂłn a las disciplinas de la fe, y en mutua responsabilidad unos con otros, comenzamos a entender el verdadero gozo de la vida disciplinada y el significado cristiano de la libertad. El discipulado no es un esfuerzo meramente humano; no es el sometimiento a reglas y reglamentos. Es el medio a travĂŠs del cual el EspĂritu Santo nos lleva gradualmente a la madurez en Cristo. A travĂŠs del discipulado llegamos a ser un pueblo con carĂĄcter cristiano. La meta final del discipulado es ser transformados a la semejanza de Jesucristo
El discipulado cristiano es un estilo de vida. Es el proceso de aprender cĂłmo quiere Dios que vivamos en el mundo. A medida que aprendemos a vivir en obediencia a la Palabra de Dios, en sumisiĂłn a las disciplinas de la fe, y en mutua responsabilidad unos con otros, comenzamos a entender el verdadero gozo de la vida disciplinada y el significado cristiano de la libertad. El discipulado no es un esfuerzo meramente humano; no es el sometimiento a reglas y reglamentos. Es el medio a travĂŠs del cual el EspĂritu Santo nos lleva gradualmente a la madurez en Cristo. A travĂŠs del discipulado llegamos a ser un pueblo con carĂĄcter cristiano. La meta final del discipulado es ser transformados a la semejanza de Jesucristo
El discipulado cristiano es un estilo de vida. Es el proceso de aprender cĂłmo quiere Dios que vivamos en el mundo. A medida que aprendemos a vivir en obediencia a la Palabra de Dios, en sumisiĂłn a las disciplinas de la fe, y en mutua responsabilidad unos con otros, comenzamos a entender el verdadero gozo de la vida disciplinada y el significado cristiano de la libertad. El discipulado no es un esfuerzo meramente humano; no es el sometimiento a reglas y reglamentos. Es el medio a travĂŠs del cual el EspĂritu Santo nos lleva gradualmente a la madurez en Cristo. A travĂŠs del discipulado llegamos a ser un pueblo con carĂĄcter cristiano. La meta final del discipulado es ser transformados a la semejanza de Jesucristo
Con el tiempo, la Iglesia del Nazareno ha pasado de ser una iglesia con presencia internacional a ser una comunidad global de creyentes. Cimentados en la tradiciĂłn wesleyana, los nazarenos se ven como un pueblo cristiano, de santidad y misional, y han acogido como su declaraciĂłn de misiĂłn.
âHacer discĂpulos semejantes a Cristo en las nacionesâ.

Con el tiempo, la Iglesia del Nazareno ha pasado de ser una iglesia con presencia internacional a ser una comunidad global de creyentes. Cimentados en la tradiciĂłn wesleyana, los nazarenos se ven como un pueblo cristiano, de santidad y misional, y han acogido como su declaraciĂłn de misiĂłn,
âHacer discĂpulos semejantes a Cristo en las nacionesâ.

Welcome to the
Mesoamerica Region
The Mesoamerica region is made up of 33 countries and includes the geographical area that covers Mexico, Central America, the entire Caribbean, as well as Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana (from South America).

Welcome to the
Mesoamerica Region
The Mesoamerica region is made up of 33 countries and includes the geographical area that covers Mexico, Central America, the entire Caribbean, as well as Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana (from South America).

Welcome to the
Mesoamerica Region
The Mesoamerica region is made up of 33 countries and includes the geographical area that covers Mexico, Central America, the entire Caribbean, as well as Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana (from South America).
What We
The Church of the Nazarene is the largest denomination in the classical Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. The doctrine that distinguishes the Church of the Nazarene and other Wesleyan denominations from most other Christian denominations is that of entire sanctification. Nazarenes believe that God calls Christians to a life of holy living that is marked by an act of God, cleansing the heart from original sin and filling the individual with love for God and humankind.

Nuestros artĂculos de fe representan nuestras creencias esenciales y contienen las verdades fundamentales que guĂan cada aspecto de nuestra prĂĄctica.

Nuestra declaraciĂłn de misiĂłn define quiĂŠnes somos, por quĂŠ existimos y nuestra razĂłn de ser.

Nuestros artĂculos de fe representan nuestras creencias esenciales y contienen las verdades fundamentales que guĂan cada aspecto de nuestra prĂĄctica.
What We
The Church of the Nazarene is the largest denomination in the classical Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. The doctrine that distinguishes the Church of the Nazarene and other Wesleyan denominations from most other Christian denominations is that of entire sanctification. Nazarenes believe that God calls Christians to a life of holy living that is marked by an act of God, cleansing the heart from original sin and filling the individual with love for God and humankind.
Nuestros artĂculos de fe representan nuestras creencias esenciales y contienen las verdades fundamentales que guĂan cada aspecto de nuestra prĂĄctica.
Nuestra declaraciĂłn de misiĂłn define quiĂŠnes somos, por quĂŠ existimos y nuestra razĂłn de ser.
Nuestros artĂculos de fe representan nuestras creencias esenciales y contienen las verdades fundamentales que guĂan cada aspecto de nuestra prĂĄctica.
We are Making
Christian discipleship is a way of life. It is the process of learning how God would have us live in the world. As we learn to live in obedience to the Word of God, in submission to the disciplines of the faith, and in accountability to one another, we begin to understand the true joy of the disciplined life and the Christian meaning of freedom. Discipleship is not merely human effort, submitting to rules and regulations. It is the means through which the Holy Spirit gradually brings us to maturity in Christ. It is through discipleship that we become people of Christian character. The ultimate goal of discipleship is to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18).
We are making
Christian discipleship is a way of life. It is the process of learning how God would have us live in the world. As we learn to live in obedience to the Word of God, in submission to the disciplines of the faith, and in accountability to one another, we begin to understand the true joy of the disciplined life and the Christian meaning of freedom. Discipleship is not merely human effort, submitting to rules and regulations. It is the means through which the Holy Spirit gradually brings us to maturity in Christ. It is through discipleship that we become people of Christian character. The ultimate goal of discipleship is to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18).
We are making
Christian discipleship is a way of life. It is the process of learning how God would have us live in the world. As we learn to live in obedience to the Word of God, in submission to the disciplines of the faith, and in accountability to one another, we begin to understand the true joy of the disciplined life and the Christian meaning of freedom. Discipleship is not merely human effort, submitting to rules and regulations. It is the means through which the Holy Spirit gradually brings us to maturity in Christ. It is through discipleship that we become people of Christian character. The ultimate goal of discipleship is to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18).
The Church of the Nazarene has moved over time from a church with an international presence toward a global community of believers. Grounded in the Wesleyan tradition, Nazarenes understand themselves to be a people who are Christian, holiness, and missional, and they have embraced the mission statement: âTo make Christlike disciples in the nations.â

The Church of the Nazarene has moved over time from a church with an international presence toward a global community of believers. Grounded in the Wesleyan tradition, Nazarenes understand themselves to be a people who are Christian, holiness, and missional, and they have embraced the mission statement:
âTo make Christlike disciples in the nations.â