Testimony of Oscar Arenas, after attending a Maximum Mission and the first CCO (Cross-Cultural Orientation) held in Panama.
“After 6 days of serving the Lord in a Maximum Mission and the CCO, now I’m home remembering every moment, every situation, every challenge, every word, every workshop, every prayer, praise, group work … But most important, God speaking to my life! I had never taken such a personal challenge, but through this great experience I can say my call is to serve Christ in Missions!
Put in me, every day, a compassionate and willing heart to hear your voice and understand what you have for me ”
Thank the Lord for what He is doing in the young people of Panama; He continues to call brave young people and confirms the call on others for His service.
Soon we will be sharing more about this first CCO held in Panama.
Give hope and encouragement by sharing the good news of what God is doing in our Mesoamerica Region!