Recently, t
he Coordinator of Evangelism for the Region was in the DR doing a meeting and workshops with his national Evangelism Coordinator in the DR, Oscar Garcia, and his wife Yennifer. There was a group of 16 Missional Zone Planters who attended the sessions.

Sometimes, as a leader, you wonder how in the world a ministry like Missional Zone Planting will keep going in another country after you leave. Well, the answer is national leaders, like Oscar and Yennifer. They oversee the effort of church planting and development in the Dominican Republic for the Church of the Nazarene. It includes 20 Missional Zone Planters (MZPs). Soon it will go to 22 MZP’s.

Last year 233 new preaching points (mission Churches) were planted, 5,448 people made decisions for Christ, and 7 churches were organized.
God is up to something, and He keeps things going when His leaders are in place!