On July 8-10 2014, the Costa Rica Central District SDMI held its annual children’s camp, entitled “Champions in Jesus”.Forty-nine children enjoyed a time of great fun with various activities such as fancy dress night, campfire, concert, hat day, rally, learning times, praise and reflection on God’s word.
A team of 20 people, mostly young people of the churches in the district conducted the event.
Significantly, it was a profitable and growing time for young people where they were given the opportunity to serve. Besides the money they paid for the registration, they also shared their gifts and time to serve the children.For some of them this is the first time serving in an event like this. They commented about the satisfaction of being able to serve and how they are motivated and eager to serve in the next camp.
The children have told their new friends, the counselors, that the things they have learned are being implemented in their homes. For example, how to read the Bible, pray and have a special time with God. Others commented that they now help at home to wash dishes because it was something they did in the camp.
God bless leadership team who have given so much to serve the children of the Costa Rica Central District.
Information provided by: Aleida Rojas Navarro, Costa Rica Central District SDMI President and Javier Calero, support team.