Put On Your Oxygen Mask Before Assisting Others

Put On Your Oxygen Mask Before Assisting Others Recently I visited an 82-year-old friend from the past. He was feeling low. When we finally got down to why, it was this: he had lost his sense of purpose. How does that happen, and how can we make sure it doesn’t happen to us? He had

6 Avenues for the Church to be Salt and Light

By Dan Reiland “Salt and light” is one of the most catalytic metaphors taught by Jesus about who we are as the body of Christ. To be salt and light to the world is one of the greatest responsibilities of the Church today, the question is how do we do that consistently in a

3 Soul Toxins that Derail Servant Leadership

3 Soul Toxins that Derail Servant Leadership By Dan Reiland Joe Stowell1 describes servant leadership as “leading for the benefit of others.” That captures it well. Servant leadership is easily understood, but not so easily practiced on a consistent basis. We all love to be served, right? Like in a restaurant. It’s really obvious when the wait staff

4 Traits of Leaders Who Thrive in Developing Volunteers

4 Traits of Leaders Who Thrive in Developing Volunteers By Dan Reiland Why do some leaders seem to be more natural at developing volunteers while others struggle? The good news is that this is not a mystery, and the principles and skills can be learned. Leading volunteers isn’t as simple as “Do you want to

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