Hundreds Attend Holiness Service and Plan Launch in Guatemala

More than 4,000 people from 104 churches attend the Holiness Service and Plan Launch in the Guatemala Verapaz North District. They held services on Jan. 11 and Feb. 3 in the 9 zones of the district. District Superintendent Francisco Cho said the district has realized that to be able to make more disciples, people need

March 4th, 2019|News, North Central|

Nazarene Medical Brigade Serves 500 People in Mexico

The Nazarene Medical Brigade, along with local and field volunteers, offered medical services to some 500 people in the Mexico East District, Feb. 12-16. They held outreaches in the communities of Escárcega, Ulumal and Tixmucuy in the state of Campeche, and Cuch Holoch and Cepeda in the state of Yucatan.   Some of the consultations required

February 27th, 2019|Compassion, Mexico, News|

GENESIS Holds Its First VBS in Carrasquilla, Panama

Genesis missionaries held the first Vacation Bible School in Carrasquilla, Panama City, Panama, Feb. 4-9.  For most of the children, it was their first time attending a VBS.  The theme was “Shipwrecked People Rescued By Jesus.” The GENESIS team prayed months before for a way to make an impact and reach many children and families

February 22nd, 2019|Central, GENESIS, News|

Third Wave Testimonies – Danielle Miller (Caribbean Field)

Many persons who attended Third Wave 2019 had high hopes and dreams of attending this illustrious Global NYI Leadership Conference. They counted down the years until they were eligible to attend and lived through the memories and stories of other participants as they awaited the time when they too would be able to have such

February 11th, 2019|Caribbean Field, News, NYI|
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