Hundreds of Nazarenes in the Windward Island District Join The Annual NMI prayer walk

Three hundred believers of all ages from the Windward Islands District embarked on the annual NMI Prayer Walk on Sunday, June 9 in the St. Lucia Zone and Monday, June 10 on the Grenada and St. Vincent Zones. The walk took place in the area of View Fort on the St Lucia Zone, while those

Church Unites for 40 Days of Prayer and Pentecost Celebration

Every year regional Nazarene Missions International (NMI) encourages congregations to join in 40 days of prayer leading up to a celebration on the day of Pentecost. May 1 – June 9, NMI shared daily prayer requests to leaders by email and through social media to encourage them to join in prayer during this time.  They

The Barnabas Initiative Begins

The Nazarene Seminary of the Americas (SENDAS) and an educational ministry within the Praise and Proclamation Center (CAP), Oaxaca, Mexico, launched the Barnabas Initiative June 7-8 at the SENDAS facilities. The activity brought together 43 lead pastors, associate pastors and spouses from the two Costa Rica districts.  They committed to a short and medium-term project

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