JF Team and District Build Community Center in Peten, Guatemala

The Jesus Film Harvest Partner team from the Marysville Church of the Nazarene, Washington, USA, joined with the Guatemala Peten North District to build a community center. They worked together July 12-16 in the Esfuerzo neighborhood. They provided the free-standing structure for the community to use to start a school program, clinic, and other community

July 25th, 2018|Evangelism, News, North Central|

Caribbean Field Organizes an NMI Training Conference

A training event for Nazarene Mission International (MNI) Caribbean Field leaders took place at a local Church of the Nazarene in St. Philip, Barbados, 12 to 14 July. Over 85 district leaders from: Dominica, West Jamaica, Leewards/Virgin Islands, French Antilles, French Guiana, Suriname, Winward Islands, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago and Barbados, attended the training event.

NCM trains for the prevention of cholera in Haiti

The program Pastor Kids in Haiti, planned to carry out during this year (2018) a training for the parents of the children in the program as part of its objectives. This program is always looking for opportunities to promote holistic child development ministries, because of that a training in health and hygiene was provided. Nancy

July 23rd, 2018|Compassion, Haití, News|

Nazarenes respond after tropical storm hits Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Tropical Story Beryl swept through the Dominican Republic 10 July with strong winds and torrential rains. The storm affected many areas, including greater Santo Domingo, where floods forced people from their homes. Significant damage was also done to the country’s infrastructure and thousands lost their possessions. The Emergency Operations Center estimates

July 20th, 2018|Central, Compassion, News|
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