SENDAS, Southwest Latin America District reaches education agreement

After several conversations with Southwest Latin American District leaders, Seminario Nazareno de las Americas signed an agreement to strengthen theological education for the leaders of their congregations. “It is my hope that the churches in this district can continue to grow and that each day we can form more quality leaders to transform the Hispanic

August 11th, 2020|Central, News, Theological Education|

Nicaragua Bible Institute Reopened

January 5 was an important day for the Church of the Nazarene in Nicaragua. Leaders and friends gathered to officially reopen the Nazarene Bible Institute as a satellite campus of the Guatemala Nazarene Theological Seminary.  The inaugural class begins with 8 students – 7 residential students and one commuter. The purpose of the Institute is

SENDAS Celebrates Third Annual LLAMADOS Conference

On Friday, October 25, more than 140 people from Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and the USA gathered to celebrate the third annual LLAMADOS conference under the theme “Called to Innovation.” Revs. Albert and Christine Hung from California, USA, were the speakers for the conference. Rev. Albert Hung is the Northern California District Superintendent.The conference

November 25th, 2019|News, Theological Education|
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