SENDAS Partners with Latinos Adelante to Help High School Students in the USA Earn GEDs

On Saturday, February 13, 2021, Hispanic high school students in the USA gathered for their first GED (General Education Development) class through a new strategic partnership between SENDAS and the Latinos Adelante Initiative. Forty students participated in this new alliance with the goal of helping Hispanic students move forward in their holistic formation. This project

March 16th, 2021|Central, News, Theological Education|

SENDAS Launches the Website “Teología Hoy”

As part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the “Seminario Nazareno de las Americas” (SENDAS), the institution launched the Teología Hoy (Theology Today) website. "It is a publication of Arminian-Wesleyan theological and pastoral reflection for the Hispanic world, which we are convinced will make a difference in our lives and in the communities

Combined Regional Meeting Between Mesoamerica and South America Forges Renewed Partnership in Theological Education

On Tuesday, September 29 and Thursday, October 1, 2020 the Mesoamerica Regional Course of Study Advisory Committee (RCOSAC) met with their South America counterpart for their annual meeting. Since 1999, the two regions have joined forces on the basis of shared language, similar culture, and united educational goals to further pastoral training, and have been

Seeing The Invisible: The Testimony Of Haury Cerdas

The global pandemic has challenged the way academic education is advanced on all levels of instruction. SENDAS continues the teaching and training of pastors and leaders in the midst of it all. But it has also brought some new challenges, as you could imagine. Online instruction works for most people, but not all. For example,

September 28th, 2020|Central, News, Theological Education|
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