Leaders Initiate the Last Course of the “Doctorate in Christian Ministry” Program

From May 12th to 23rd, 2014; SENDAS will conduct the final course of the PhD in Christian Ministry program, of the Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri (USA), which began in September 2012, in the same facilities. Regional leaders from Mesoamerica and South America Region are receiving the last classroom course, entitled “Framing the

First Massive Pastoral Continuing Education Course, a Success in Mesoamerica

On May 6, 2014, the first massive ongoing pastoral continuing education course was offered by videoconference from the SENDAS campus, 154 pastors and leaders in 5 countries of our region were connected from 15 videoconferencing centers

SENDAS’ current and former students gather in Johannesburg

Between March 23rd and 26th 2014, the Nazarene Global Theological Conference III was held in Johannesburg, South Africa. “Critical Issues in Ecclesiology.” On this occasion the Americas Nazarene Seminary was represented by a total of thirty-one people, including students and alumni of the institution, from the 70′s to the present (being equivalent to over 10%

III Global Theology Nazarene Conference held in South Africa

Following the two previous and excellent Global Theological conferences (Guatemala, 2002 and Holland, 2007), the Third Global Conference was held from March 23rd to the 26th, 2014 in the “Good News Conference Center” in Johannesburg, South Africa. Nearly 300 Nazarenes gathered for GTCIII, representing fifty-eight countries around the world, in order to reflect on 22

April 9th, 2014|News, Theological Education|
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