Bachelor of Youth Ministry Begins in Cuba

In February 2016, the Bachelor of Youth Ministry Centers began in the two Cuban districts.These degrees are in agreement with SENDAS and are currently available in 7 centers in Mexico and one in Guatemala. Thirty-eight young Cubans are willing to be trained with the tools that the diploma offers; all of them are professional youth

February 24th, 2016|Central, News, Theological Education|

Rev. Carol Rittenhouse Assumes the Position as Regional Education Assistant

Rev. Carol Rittenhouse recently assumed the position of assistant in the regional ministry of Rev. Ruben Fernandez, Mesoamerica Regional Education Coordinator and Rector of SENDAS. Rev. Fernández extended his gratitude for the work of Sister Margarita de Trinidad who has served through the years, she will continue providing assistance in matters related to SENDAS.

February 24th, 2016|Central, News, Theological Education|

Regional Coordinators Meetings Takes Place in Guyana

From February 10th to the 13th 2016, the Mesoamerica Region team of Field and Ministry Coordinators met in the country of Guyana in order to schedule and strategies for the advancement of the Church of the Nazarene in the region. Brother Marty Hoskins, Global Personnel Coordinator of the Church of the Nazarene, met with the

Guatemala NTS Graduation and Activities

As part of the closing of the 2015 business, the Guatemala Nazarene Theological Seminary held ​​their Academic Administrative meeting, the Assemblies of the “CCC” and “NTS” Associations and the graduation of 40 students. The academic administrative meeting was held on Thursday December 3rd with 12 participants, including Theological Education District Directors, Higher Education Institutions Coordinators,

January 13th, 2016|News, Theological Education|
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