Children conclude “The Great Adventure” reading about Jesus

After reading and studying the book “The Great Adventure”, 443 children from 10 churches and missions in Nicaragua North district, received recognition for completing this wonderful adventure of teachings about the life of Jesus. The event was held during the last week of September and the first two weeks of October. It was preceded by

Child Evangelistic Campaign

A children’s evangelistic crusade was held in Cipresales, Guatemala Central District, on September 20, 2014.More than 450 children attended and heard the Word of God in a fun and dynamic way. Many of them made a decision for Christ that day. The leaders coordinated the event with the authority’s permission to close a street where

“Champions in Jesus” Children’s Camp Held in Costa Rica

On July 8-10 2014, the Costa Rica Central District SDMI held its annual children’s camp, entitled “Champions in Jesus”.Forty-nine children enjoyed a time of great fun with various activities such as fancy dress night, campfire, concert, hat day, rally, learning times, praise and reflection on God’s word. A team of 20 people, mostly young people

Berbice District SDMI SS teachers and leaders training

Its goes without saying, our most valuable resources is our human resources. And since this is the case for the Guyana: Berbice District, the question is how do we harness and utilize this resources for the glory of God and the Church of the Nazarene. The answer to that question is continuous training and development of our

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