3rd SDMI Leaders’ Training – Southern Mexico

3rd SDMI Leaders’ Training – Southern Mexico The training was held at the 1st Church of the Nazarene in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico on 13-14 Feb. 2015. When the conference started on the 13th, there were 88 people registered from the following districts: South: 4 Olmeca: 64 South Border: 17 South Pacific: 2 Oaxaca Northwest: 1

180 Degrees Discipleship Conference

From 21-23 November 2014, the 180 Degree Discipleship Conference - First Level was held at the Mazatenango, Guatemala Church of the Nazarene. Special speakers for the conference included Pastor Nineye de Herrera from the Cali, Columbia House of Prayer Church of the Nazarene. Joining her were members of their pastoral staff (Ferney Oliveros, Roberto Salas

Tell THE Story Conference – coming to Guatemala 10-11 Nov. 2015

The “Tell THE Story” workshop will teach you how to tell THE Bible story so that it sticks in people’s heart. This simple, yet profound method is easily and quickly reproduced so that disciples can become disciple-makers. Discover a powerful resource that has multiplied thousands of disciples.

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