Campamento de Niños en Cuba Oeste

En el mes de agosto del presente año, el distrito oeste de Cuba celebró el campamento de niños, bajo el lema “El tren de las buenas noticias”. 150 niños tuvieron tiempos especiales de devocional, cada día hablaron acerca de un continente diferente, de la necesidad espiritual y material de las personas en esos lugares y oraron

Engage the Word “Red Thread of redemption” a 40 day Journey in scripture

Engage the Word is an exciting and easy way to deepen your connection to God and others through daily reading of His Word. This 40-day emphasis is uniquely designed for individuals, families, small groups, and congregations to develop life-long habits of daily Scripture engagement. Through a simple online registration process, you will receive daily Scripture passages

SDMI Workshop “Sunday School, an Urgent Challenge”

On April 25th 2015, the SDMI in the Costa Rica Central District, in an effort to train leaders and teachers, held a workshop titled ” Sunday School: an urgent challenge”. The workshop focused on three areas: (1) Importance and Organization of Sunday School, (2) Discipleship and (3) How to develop an effective lesson. Knowledge was

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