Record in Attendance “The Leader 360” Workshop In Puerto Rico

With a record attendance of 109 people, the Puerto Rico East District, on September 10th, 2016, held the workshop "The 360 ​​Degree Leader" presented by Rev. Monte Cyr, SDMI Regional Coordinator. The workshop was held in the Casa de Proclamación y Alabanza Church, in Las Vegas, Cataño. Pastors, NYI, NMI and SDMI ministry presidents, teachers,

The King’s Daughters Retreat in Honduras

Forty-three ladies of the King’s Daughters Ministry from the Cerro Grande Church of the Nazarene in Tegucigalpa Honduras, on August 20th, 2016, held their second annual retreat entitled "Women under God’s government." They participated in conferences, forums, activities and special music, where they reflected and learned biblical principles on the subject. They also had time

VBS makes an impact in the community in Guyana

The Tuschen church of the Nazarene in Guyana, East Bank Essequibo held their VBS from the 22nd to the 26th of August 2016. The purpose for our event was to mold the children in God's Word so as to have better future leaders and Godly families. At our VBS, 92 children gave their lives to God. Our

Regional Coordinators Meetings Takes Place in Guyana

From February 10th to the 13th 2016, the Mesoamerica Region team of Field and Ministry Coordinators met in the country of Guyana in order to schedule and strategies for the advancement of the Church of the Nazarene in the region. Brother Marty Hoskins, Global Personnel Coordinator of the Church of the Nazarene, met with the

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