5 Questions to Discern Spiritual Character in a Leader

By Dan Reiland Can you think of a time that you selected someone for a leadership position, and it didn’t work out well? Yup. Me too. Most of us who have served in leadership positions, at least for any length of time, have made a few bad choices, and sometimes it’s a painful learning experience.

5 Practical Steps to Lead as a Force for Good

5 Practical Steps to Lead as a Force for Good By Dan Reiland Leadership these days can seem like just a placeholder, as if running in place, neither moving forward or backward. When all your leadership effort merely keeps the machine of ministry going but does not move the mission forward, it’s difficult to be a force for

4 Principles to Elevate the Impact of Discipleship and Evangelism

4 Principles to Elevate the Impact of Discipleship and Evangelism by Dan Reiland Every church leader has at least a slight bias toward either discipleship or evangelism; it’s part of how each of us is wired. Knowing which direction you lean helps you lead toward the fullness of the Great Commission. Which direction do you

5 Ways to Build the Size and Strength of Your Volunteer Teams

5 Ways to Build the Size and Strength of Your Volunteer Teams By Dan Reiland Are your volunteer teams healthy and thriving? Do you have enough volunteers to adequately lead your ministries? What is your greatest pressure or challenge when it comes to your volunteer teams? Most of the church leaders I’m talking with say

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