3 Soul Toxins that Derail Servant Leadership

3 Soul Toxins that Derail Servant Leadership By Dan Reiland Joe Stowell1 describes servant leadership as “leading for the benefit of others.” That captures it well. Servant leadership is easily understood, but not so easily practiced on a consistent basis. We all love to be served, right? Like in a restaurant. It’s really obvious when the wait staff

4 Traits of Leaders Who Thrive in Developing Volunteers

4 Traits of Leaders Who Thrive in Developing Volunteers By Dan Reiland Why do some leaders seem to be more natural at developing volunteers while others struggle? The good news is that this is not a mystery, and the principles and skills can be learned. Leading volunteers isn’t as simple as “Do you want to

6 Sustaining Lifelines for Leaders

6 Sustaining Lifelines for Leaders By Dan Reiland The path of leadership is never constant; there are always highs and lows, good days and bad days. The challenge is to remain consistent through it all. Consistency elevates people’s trust and confidence in your leadership. We are different in our wiring and current circumstances, but there are clear

Mexico retreat helps bring 170 women to new life with Christ

More than 170 women attended the Despójate congress in Jiquipilas, Mexico, a retreat designed to facilitate an encounter between women and God as well as initiating them into their new life with Christ. In addition, the retreat aims to help women let go of the “extra weights” that prevent them from growing in their faith

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