5 Common Temptations for Leaders and Their Devotional Life That We Need to Avoid

5 Common Temptations for Leaders and Their Devotional Life That We Need to Avoid By Dan Reiland Forty years of ministry has taught me that only Jesus brings real power and the life-changing authority that makes it possible for any church to reach its potential. Yet we often lead with less than that full power.

5 Expectations Jesus has of His Church

5 Expectations Jesus has of His Church By Dan Reiland Jesus said He would build His church, but He chose to do that through us. It’s a divine partnership. His purpose and power, our calling and responsibility. I often marvel at the fact that Jesus chose us, but I can see how it works. The

Caribbean Quizzers participate in Children’s World Quiz, Indianapolis, USA.

On Saturday the 10th of June, 2023, the Church of the Nazarene held its Children’s World Quiz at the 30th General Assembly held at the Indianapolis Convention Center in Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A. There were approximately thirteen hundred quizzers participating in the event including three quizzers from the Caribbean Field: Jonathan and Nathan Rouse, from Barbados,

5 Questions to Consider as New People Come to your Church

5 Questions to Consider as New People Come to your Church By Dan Reiland Don’t get hung up on how many new people are coming to your church. Instead, thank God, and shepherd them well. Something seems to be stirring more people to come to church. Spiritual interest is on the rise, and the potential to reach

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