The Trinidad and Tobago District NMI Council held their annual Missional Rally

The Trinidad and Tobago District NMI Council held their annual Missional Rally on September 15th at the El Socorro Church of the Nazarene. The theme was 'Nazarene Missions - A movement of God by the people of God'. Three methods of missions were highlighted:  compassion, evangelism and education, through videos, dance and songs. Representatives from

Leaders receive new NMI strategy in Panama

Nazarene Missions International (NMI) leaders from the Mesoamerica region met in Panama from July 22 to 25 for training on the new ministry strategy and guidelines to be shared with the local churches. The participants were: Alma Hidalgo and Maria Lucia Manuel from the Mexico field, Olga Novoa from the North Central field, Donnamie Ali

Leaders in Panama – Trained to Involve Children in Missions

On July 20, at the District Office, 33 leaders of Nazarene Missions International (NMI) and Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries (SDMI) ​​of the Central District of Panama received training on the importance of involving children in missions. The training was carried out as part of the motto that NMI has for the current year, “VISION:

First Children’s CCO Held In Dominican Republic

On July 16 and 17, a “Children’s Missionary Retreat (“COMI” in Spanish) was held for the first time in the Dominican Republic. The country’s five districts were represented, accompanied by national and district leaders of NMI (Nazarene International Missions), SDMI (Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International), NCM (Nazarene Compassionate Ministries) and Global Missions volunteers. Similarly,

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