NMI Conference held in CA-4 Field

From May 8 to May 10 2014, a NMI conference was held at the Guatemalan Nazarene Seminary, in the CA-4 Field (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua). District Superintendents, pastors and NMI Presidents from the 4 countries attended the event. It was a blessed time with the participation of leaders who supported the event with

NMI Conference Held in South Mexico Field

From April 3rd to the 5th, 2014; a NMI Conference was held in the South Mexico Field, in the city of Mérida, Yucatán. We had 490 participants from the 8 districts that make up this field, including NMI local leaders, pastors and superintendents. They were challenged to carry out missions in their districts. This event

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