“Living The Present To Build The Future” 2015 Regional Conference

For over a year God was guiding us in the preparation for the Regional Conference which was held October 7th, 8th and 9th 2015, in the Nazarene Theological Seminary in Guatemala City. About 500 people, including speakers, participants, guests and the logistics team, came together for this event; representing 20 countries of the Mesoamerica Region.

Church in Panama elected Queen Esther – 2015

On August 30th, 2015, the Progreso Church, located in the Panama Central District celebrated the election of “Queen Esther”. This activity was born out of the desire to promote in a creative way, family contribution to the WEF, the World Evangelism Fund. For a month, 5 girls participated in different activities in which offerings were


God is still moving through Nazarene Missions International. We have seen how His church continues to advance in 159 world areas so far, where MNI has been vital in Prayer, Discipleship, Education and the contribution of our being and our resources (offerings) to support the missionary work around the world. We, as the Mesoamerica Region,

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