Church of the Nazarene organized in the Wagandy region, Panama

The Panama Central District organized the second Church of the Nazarene in the indigenous Guna district of Wagandy, located in the Tabardi community. District Superintendent Carlos de la Cruz attended the celebration along with Panama Evangelism Coordinator Amable Polanco, the national NMI and NYI presidents, and the missional zone planters. Pastor Amable Polanco led the

Missional Zone Planters Receive Training in Guatemala

Between April 4 and 6 in 2018, training took place for Missional Zone Planters at the Convention Center at STN (Nazarene Theological Seminary) in Guatemala. 11 of the people participating have decided to face the challenge of establishing preaching points in 15 districts in the countries of Guatemala and Nicaragua in the next six months.

April 26th, 2018|Evangelism, News, North Central|

Further Development for Missional Zone Planters

Between April 4 and 6 of 2018, further development took place for the Missional Zone Planters (MZP) in the Convention Center at STN in Guatemala. 60 leaders participated from the four countries of the North Central field from the Church of the Nazarene. This time, the team worked based on the book by Dr. John

April 25th, 2018|Evangelism, News, North Central|

Noah Lobos, and the Progress of the Guatemalan Church

Noah Lobos is a Missional Zone Planter (MZP) in Guatemala. He has been working arduously in establishing many preaching points, using the Jesus Film as a tool. Last year (2017), with the Lord’s help, he organized seven new churches. Recently, on February 4, 2018, he organized one more in San Antonio Cabañas sector 3 in

April 25th, 2018|Evangelism, News, North Central|
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