Regional Evangelism Team Meets in Havana

The regional evangelism team and the Jesus Film team met in Havana, Cuba, April 24-30, to plan their strategy for growth in the coming years. Regional Evangelism Coordinator Dr. Milton Gay encouraged the leaders to complete the established goals and also to strengthen the evangelism ministries in local churches in order to impact their communities

District Leaders Begin In-Depth Ministry Tour in Nicaragua

The Nicaragua North District leadership team held the first of five ministry trips planned for the different zones of the district from March 28 to March 31. The goal is to have a chance to worship the Lord together and also hold evaluation and training meetings. The visiting leadership team is comprised of members of

Influencers Congress Held in Mesoamerica

The Influencers Congress welcomed 56 educators from Guatemala and El Salvador at the end of March. Nazarene Youth International (NYI), Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) and Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries (SDMI), teamed up to sponsor the event. In El Salvador the participants met March 21-23, and in Guatemala they met March 28-31. Influencers was designed

Exponential Growth in Haiti after the 2010 Earthquake

A few months after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, Regional Evangelism Coordinator Bernie Slingerland visited the country. It was difficult for him to imagine who God could use this time to plant churches there. Despite that, the Church of the Nazarene went from not having a single new church one year to having 100 new

September 6th, 2018|Evangelism, Haití, News|
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