Nazarenes share the gospel in an immigrant shelter in Mexico

The “Tree of Hopes” immigrant shelter in Anapra Ciudad Juárez, received a visit from 35 volunteers from the First Church of the Nazarene in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico, on Saturday, January 18th. They shared a time of joy through games and creatively presented the message of salvation. The visit was made possible in collaboration with

January 27th, 2020|Compassion, Evangelism, Mexico, News|

Leaders receive training in areas of evangelism, worship, and Sunday School

The 5th and 9th of November were very special days for the Guatemala North Verapaz Nazarene District as more than 300 people received diplomas for participating in workshops that prepared them to better serve in the areas of evangelism, worship, and Sunday School and Discipleship. On November 5th 86 pastors received diplomas for their participation in

Leaders in Guatemala receive training on “Evangelism with Passion”

Across the north and south west districts of Peten, Guatemala, more than 60 persons received the "Evangelism with Passion" training, facilitated by Mr Nelson Valencia and Mr Roger Lemus during the month of September. On September 18th, 40 persons participated in the training in the north district of Peten while on September 20th, a further

October 14th, 2019|Evangelism, News, North Central|

14 Districts Trained at Caribbean Evangelism Conference

On September 4, 2019, twenty six Caribbean leaders from across the 14 Districts commenced training in Jamaica for the Caribbean Evangelism Conference. This Conference was scheduled to go until the past September 8. These twenty six participants, excluding two from Bahamas District who were unable to attend due to the hurricane, were trained and certified

September 10th, 2019|Caribbean Field, Evangelism, News|
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