Nazarene Medical Brigade Serves 500 People in Mexico

The Nazarene Medical Brigade, along with local and field volunteers, offered medical services to some 500 people in the Mexico East District, Feb. 12-16. They held outreaches in the communities of Escárcega, Ulumal and Tixmucuy in the state of Campeche, and Cuch Holoch and Cepeda in the state of Yucatan.   Some of the consultations required

February 27th, 2019|Compassion, Mexico, News|

Churches Unite to Feed Storm Victims in Cuba

After a tornado passed through Havana, Cubo on Sunday, Jan. 27, the Church of the Nazarene worked alongside other denominations to cook food and take it to affected communities.  They assembled and delivered 80 small boxes of food.  The number of storm victims significantly increased, so some only received water.  Nonetheless, they were grateful to

February 7th, 2019|Central, Compassion, News|

Churches of the Nazarene Unite to Feed Hundreds of Migrants

Churches of the Nazarene in the Guatemala West District joined together on Oct. 27 to share food with 900 people from the migrant caravan in Tecun Oman, the community on the Guatemala side of the Mexico-Guatemala border. Hundreds of people were gathered near the border, many of them in the central park of Tecun Uman

November 2nd, 2018|Compassion, News, North Central|

Nazarenes Continue to Serve the Migrant Caravan in Mexico

The Church of the Nazarene in Mexico has continued serving the migrant caravan passing through the country with the goal of reaching the USA. Through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, the church has offered food and medical attention to children, youth and adults along their route. On Wednesday, Oct. 24, the caravan moved from the community of

October 30th, 2018|Compassion, Mexico, News|
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