Producing Wells in Haiti

Since the beginning of February 2017, Haiti Water Project (HWP) along with partnering NGO, Helping Hands, has drilled six wells in the following communities, Do-Mitan, Marre-Deme, Camp-Hitte, Ka-Michaud, and Hatte-Pois, in Monoville, located in Orangers. HWP currently focuses on two areas in the Northern part of Haiti, Sarazeen and Orangers.  For this last one, the

April 28th, 2017|Compassion, Haití, News|

Assembly in Haiti Upper Artibonite District

On January 12th, 2017 the 14th District Assembly was held in Upper Artibonite, Haiti North, in the presence of the district superintendent, Rev. Paul Zamour and his wife Ms. Annessecese Zamour. General Superintendent Dr. Jerry Porter and Mesoamerica Regional Director, Dr. Carlos Sáenz were present. A group of children made a special presentation at the

January 20th, 2017|Haití, News|

“Generosity has reached more than 530 families in Haiti”

Missionary, Fleur Van der Most, training coordinator for the  Haiti Water Project and in charge of communications for disaster response after Hurricane Matthew, shared the following update on the response that is taking place with the support of a united church in Christ. NCM Haiti turned into a small packing and distribution center for the

November 8th, 2016|Compassion, Haití, News, W&W|
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