The Church from the USA and Panama Together Shared Jesus With 85 Children in Panama

Several ministries of the Panama Central District, including Evangelism, NYI, Global Missions, along with a team from the East Valley Church of the Nazarene, Arizona, USA, joined to hold an evangelistic event March 15-17. On Friday, the participants headed to the Ciricito de Capira community on the west side of Panama, where there is a

March 28th, 2019|Central, Global Mission, News, NYI|

Genesis Site Celebrates the First Sunday Service at “The Liberators” in Panama

Volunteer Genesis missionaries Marleidy Sánchez from Mexico and Ingrid Jocholá from Guatemala celebrated the first Sunday worship service at ¨The Liberators¨ in Panama City, Panama on March 17.  During the service, four adults, three teens and 11 children accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. They held the service at the community basketball court.  Participants

March 27th, 2019|Central, GENESIS, News, North Central|

New Churches Presented in Guatemala North Verapaz District

The Guatemala North Verapaz District celebrated its 91st annual assembly at the end of February. One of the highlights of the assembly was presenting six new organized churches in the district. The churches are: Peniel Church of the Nazarene, The Light Church of the Nazarene, Bethel Church of the Nazarene, The Good Sower Church of

March 27th, 2019|News, North Central|

Costa Rican Community Being Transformed With the Message of Salvation and Small Gift Boxes

The San Jorge Church of the Nazarene, part of the Costa Rica North District, shared the message of salvation along with a special gift box with 50 children from humble circumstances from the “Of The Virgen” community. They held the activity at the San Jorge de Upala Church of the Nazarene. A team from the

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