South Border District of Mexico Serves Immigrants with West Texas District USA

In the February 2020, the West Texas district arrived to Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico to serve through Work and Witness with the South Border district. The team of 14, representing five churches of the district, worked in various areas of ministry. The team spent the mornings working with the local congregations on the district convention and

March 5th, 2020|Mexico, News, W&W|

Nicaraguan District Center Supplies Water in a Needy Community

For several years, the Church of the Nazarene Northern District of Nicaragua has provided clean water to more than thirty families near the district center, located in the La Rioja community, in Somoto, Madriz. District Superintendent, Rev. Denis Espinoza said that the church collaborates with its community especially in the dry season, when the wells

March 4th, 2020|News, North Central|

NMI Training in Belize North and South districts

NMI Training was recently held in both districts of Belize. The facilitators were Ana Crocker de Díaz, Mesoamerica Regional NMI Coordinator and Donnamie Ali, Caribbean Field NMI Coordinator. Thanks to the organization of Rev. Alberto Cal, District Superintendent of Belize South, Bay Rivas, District NMI President of Belize North and the support of Rev. Keith

February 24th, 2020|Caribbean Field, News|
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