More than 300 people have been trained online to plant churches

In the midst of the pandemic, the leaders of Evangelism and Nazarene Youth International (NYI), continue training the church to keep making Christlike disciples. In partnership with Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) they have trained and challenged more than 300 people, both church planters and young people, to plant new churches. Through online platforms they

“Ayuda Conmigo” project helps families in Costa Rica

In April, when Costa Rica started to feel the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Church of the Nazarene in Los Angeles developed an initiative to help families who were being affected. They called this project “Ayuda Conmigo” which means “Help with me.” The project is a joint effort, as members of the church

July 21st, 2020|Central, COVID-19, News, News Covid-19|

Church of the Nazarene Mobile Clinic assists migrants in Guatemala

During this time of pandemic, Guatemala is still receiving deportees from the United States at its borders and airports. After going through a process to determine their state of health, they are taken to hospitals or shelters. Faced with the need for medical attention in this season due to COVID-19, Doctor Emilio Ramos, from Guatemala’s

My Experience with COVID-19: Efraín Antonio Picado Téllez

Pastor Efraín Picado from Nicaragua tells us about his near-death experience with COVID-19, and how God and the prayers and support from the church helped him in that difficult time, “I said goodbye to my kids and my wife, and I told them to stop fighting for me, because I was really tired and didn’t

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