The Church of the Nazarene in Honduras Continues Serving Those Affected by Eta

The mobilization of the Church of the Nazarene in Honduras in response to the damage caused by Hurricane Eta is ongoing in both districts of the country. Thanks to donations from the local churches, in the last few days district Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) has taken water, clothing and food to the communities of: La

November 23rd, 2020|Compassion, News, North Central|

Nazarenes in Mexico Respond with Compassion to Communities affected by Eta

The state of Tabasco, Mexico has been affected by flooding as a result of constant rain as hurricane Eta has passed through. Also they have had hydroelectric dams overflowing and a series of cold fronts. In midst of these adversities the Church of the Nazarene on the Olmeca district began to mobilize themselves together with

North Central Field Compassionate Team Visits Guatemala Shelters

On 9th November, the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) team of the North Central Field visited six shelters in Cobán, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala where they distributed approximately 1,120 hygiene kits, clothes and medicine. “...Just yesterday we were praying for hygiene items for this shelter and we shared it on Facebook, hoping that someone would help us.

Church of the Nazarene Mobilizes After the Impact of Hurricane Eta

The Church of the Nazarene in Mesoamerica was hit by Hurricane Eta the first week of November with strong winds and rains, at first impacting northern Honduras and Nicaragua. Shortly after, it was downgraded to a tropical storm, continuing its course and leaving damage to other countries in the region. Because the meteorological media announced

November 13th, 2020|Compassion, News, North Central, Uncategorized|
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