European Nazarenes respond to crisis in Ukraine

Even though more than a million people have already fled the country, hundreds of thousands are still vulnerable in Ukraine as the Russian Army continues to advance. Meanwhile, Nazarene churches and leaders are showing compassion and hospitality to communicate the presence of God in a time of upheaval. As the crisis escalates in Ukraine, workers

Mexico church plant sees fruit in baptisms after pandemic struggles

The Córdoba Christian Church of the Nazarene in Veracruz, Mexico, held its first baptisms in December as a result of the work carried out during the pandemic. Five people made their faith public through baptism during a time of joy and praise to God for what He has been doing through His people. “I went

February 21st, 2022|Mexico, News|

Church in Mexico Celebrates the Baptism of 17 People

The Iglesia del Nazareno, Centro de Alabanza y Proclamación (Center of Praise and Proclamation Church of the Nazarene) in Zimatlán, Mexico, celebrated the baptisms of 17 people who were also received as members in full communion. More than 100 church members attended to celebrate and witness this public expression of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

November 11th, 2021|Mexico, News|

Nazarene Seminary of the Americas Celebrates Graduation with Record Number of Graduates

For the second consecutive year we held our graduation virtually. God blessed us with many graduates coming from thirteen different countries including Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, the United States, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. We graduated a total of 68 students, a record number over the

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