Mexico retreat helps bring 170 women to new life with Christ

More than 170 women attended the Despójate congress in Jiquipilas, Mexico, a retreat designed to facilitate an encounter between women and God as well as initiating them into their new life with Christ. In addition, the retreat aims to help women let go of the “extra weights” that prevent them from growing in their faith

Over 50 Children Learn About Missions at Children’s Missionary Retreat in Mexico

Fifty four children attended Children’s Missionary Retreat (CMR) in Mexico to learn about and get involved in missions. This CMR took place at the district campground from July 14-16. It was organized by Mexico´s South Border District Nazarene Missions International (NMI) and led by Adaia Argueta, the district’s Child Ambassadors ministry coordinator. The children boarded

VBS helps Mexico church reach families of its community

After three years of not holding a Vacation Bible School (VBS) in person, the First Church of the Nazarene in Villaflores, Chiapas, Mexico, held a VBS titled Destination Dig from July 31 to August 5, attended by over 120 boys and girls from their community. "We are aware that it is not just an event

Over a thousand Nazarenes in Mesoamerica minister to communities through the “Love Thy Neighbor” project

Love Thy Neighbor was a short-term missions project organized in conjunction with the 30th General Assembly & Conventions which was held in Indianapolis (Indiana, USA) and within 16 other countries with over 1,500 participants. While the main "Love Thy Neighbor" project was held in Indianapolis, a total of 45 teams from four different regions of

July 26th, 2023|Central, Mexico, News, North Central|
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