“…Because he will save his people from their sins.” (Matt. 1:21b) The Christian calendar is part of our worship. Throughout history the church has established feast days and celebrations to remember the powerful acts of God, from the birth of Christ (Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany) to the commemorations of the death and resurrection of

Approximately 100 Families Touched by “Mission Without Limits: Love for Chihuahua”

32 Nazarene volunteers from the Mexico North District came together for a 7-day project called “Love without Limits” in the city of Chihuahua, Mexico. The aim of the project was to share the love, faith and compassion of Jesus and saw some 100 families benefiting from the event The activities were held in the month

November 13th, 2023|Global Mission, Mexico, News, Uncategorized|

International Day of Pray for Pesecuted Christians

The International Day of Pray for Persecuted Christians is November 5, 2023. This special day is set aside as a global prayer meeting on behalf of persecuted Christians who stand as a bold witness to Christ on the world’s most dangerous mission frontiers. The earnest prayers of the global body of believers

Eurasia Region update: ‘Praying for peace’

The following update is from the Eurasia Region in light of the Israel-Hamas war and its effect on Nazarene churches in the area. The local churches in Israel have not been directly affected, but we are analyzing the situation daily. The churches have been helping and supporting their neighbors. As a region, we will

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